Payment Card Tokenization
There are few things to remember in tokenization.
- The field "pmt_amount" has to be zero and there has to be order rows in your request.
- The amount of order rows has to match with the value pmt_rows.
- You should use either pmt_row_price_net1 field or pmt_row_price_gross1 field. NOT BOTH
Hash generation
Fields included in hash |
pmt_action |
pmt_version |
pmt_id |
pmt_orderid |
pmt_reference |
pmt_duedate |
pmt_amount |
pmt_currency |
pmt_okreturn |
pmt_errorreturn |
pmt_cancelreturn |
pmt_delayedpayreturn |
pmt_escrow |
pmt_escrowchangeallowed |
pmt_paymentmethod |
pmt_buyername |
pmt_buyeraddress |
pmt_buyerpostalcode |
pmt_buyercity |
pmt_buyercountry |
pmt_deliveryname |
pmt_deliveryaddress |
pmt_deliverypostalcode |
pmt_deliverycity |
pmt_deliverycountry |
pmt_sellercosts |
pmt_row_name1 |
pmt_row_desc1 |
pmt_row_quantity1 |
pmt_row_deliverydate1 |
pmt_row_price_net1 |
pmt_row_vat1 |
pmt_row_discountpercentage1 |
pmt_row_type1 |
For more information about hash generation check this page Hash Generation .