per order

In cases where payer chooses specific payment method in the webstore, the available payment methods must be queried online for each order. This is essential, since the available payment methods depend on the total amount of the order. Some payment methods include restrictions regarding the total amount (min and max amounts). To tackle this, the API contains a parameter totalamount which dictates what payment methods are to be included in the response. In other words, in case of small (e.g. below 70 €) and large (e.g. over 2000 €) orders only part of the payment methods are available for the buyer to choose from. At the moment, only bank and card payment methods are always available regardless the total amount of the order. However, if web store has net settlements in use, each order's total amount must exceed the minimum transaction fee (e.g. 0,35 € in case on card payments). This is not applicable when web store uses gross settlements where transaction fees are billed afterwards by invoice.

The payment method codes (<code>) values of the response are then used in Payment interface call as the value of parameter pmt_paymentmethod.