

This interface is meant to be called less frequently, e.g. when updating product sheet and price information. The pricing information in the response should be saved to the webstore.

Webstores that offer Collector Part Payment as a payment options has option to retrieve pricing information for marketing purposes to the webstore using this technical interface.

The payment plans can be retrieved (using either GET or POST) from address https://www.maksuturva.fi/GetMaksuturvaPartPaymentPaymentPlans.pmt (or https://test1.maksuturva.fi/GetMaksuturvaPartPaymentPaymentPlans.pmt in the testing environment).

One cannot test this interface using sandbox test credentials. In other words, to be able to test this interface, the webstore must subscribe to personal test credentials. Also, Collector Part Payment must be enabled as a payment method.

Fieldinput namevalueFormatmin lenghtC/O
Seller idgpp_selleridAN504C
The total amount of the order that the buyer is about to pay, including all the costs.gpp_amounttotale.g. 573,10AN174C
This influences mostly error messages since the OK-response contains only numeric data.
request_localefi, sv, en
default: fi


The response (XML document, UTF-8) is returned as direct response to the HTTP GET/POST request. The contents are best described through an example.

Result codes

10NO_PLANS_AVAILABLEUsually because of too small total amount
99ERRORSee below examples

Hint / Tips

Let's assume webstore wants to display "from 31,00 € per month" on the product sheet. This price information can be found from the first payment plan line of the longest payment plan. That is, start by locating the longest payment plan i.e. the <PaymentPlan> with the largest <PaymentPlanLineCount> value. Then locate the first <PaymentPlanLine> and pick the <Total> value from it. In the example below, the longest payment plan is 24 months (PaymentPlanLineCount=24). The value to pick is emphasized with blue color.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!