Request parameters

Payment status query is possible as soon as the payment has been successfully received and saved by Svea Payments.

Webstore delivers the query parameters in a <form> using POST method as hidden input fields (<input type=hidden>) to address
(or in testing environment).

Fieldinput nameDescriptionvalueFormatC/O
Message versionpmtq_versionVersion of the interface content.0005AN4C
Seller IDpmtq_selleridSeller ID given to the webstore by Svea Payments. Technical interface user id.AN15C
Payment IDpmtq_idUnique identifying number given to the payment transaction by webstore.AN20C
Response typepmtq_resptypeCurrently only XML is supported.XMLAN4C
Hash algorithmpmtq_hashversionName of the algorithm used to calculate the hash. For more details, see section Hash Calculation.AN10C
Hashpmtq_hashHash calculated from predefined message fields and the webstore's secret key. The following fields are used to calculate the hash:
For more details, see section Hash Calculation.
Secret key generationpmtq_keygenerationGeneration number of the secret key given to the seller by Svea Payments.
Default is 001

Response parameter

The character encoding of response message (XML) is UTF-8. Additionally, the only supported response type is XML. These restrictions are present because buyer’s address information received from credit check (for invoice and part payment) can contain characters that are not present in character sets ISO-8859-1 or ISO-8859-15.

Fieldinput nameDescriptionvalueFormatC/O
Action codepmtq_actionPAYMENT_STATUS_QUERYAN50C
Message versionpmtq_versionVersion of interface content. Same as in the input message.AN4C
Seller IDpmtq_selleridSeller ID given to the webstore by Svea Payments. Technical interface user id.AN15C
Payment IDpmtq_idUnique identifying number given to the payment transaction by webstore.AN20C
Sum of products and services of the orderpmtq_amountThe total sum of products and services of the order.
If the order does not contain any postal or handling costs, then this is the total amount of the order.
The amount must be presented with two decimals. The decimal delimiter is a comma, e.g. 94,80
Response codepmtq_returncodeIndicates success or failure. Values and explanations of all the codes can be found at section Response code values.ANC
Response textpmtq_returntextBrief description of the response code.AN100C
Tracking codes of the deliverables of the orderpmtq_trackingcodesTracking codes or information of untraceable deliveries submitted to Maksuturva
system regarding this payment. Format [XX|XY|YY] 0-n times depending on the count of submitted tracking codes or information of untraceable deliveries.
XX = Delivery type code
XY = Tracking code, or the submitted text in case of untraceable delivery
YY = Delivery status, see section Delivery status code values
Sum of delivery and handling costs of the orderpmtq_sellercostsThe total sum of delivery and handling costs of the order.
The amount must be presented with two decimals. The decimal delimiter is a comma, e.g. 7,40
Payment Methodpmtq_paymentmethodIndicates what payment method the buyer chose. For available codes, see section Payment Method Codes.

Important! Please do not use the values of the table above in production. Instead, retrieve official payment method codes and names using GetPaymentMethods.pmt API (see chapter Retrieve Available Payment Methods).
Escrow is being usedpmtq_escrowTells whether escrow option is used with this payment. Values: Y/N
The value is always Y for Satisfaction Guarantee payment services (e.g. Maksuturva Gold). Correspondingly, the value is always N for Direct payment services (e.g. eMaksut).
Satisfaction Guarantee payments = Y
Direct payments = N
Verification infopmtq_certificationY = The payment has been verified. That is, the payer’s identity has been confirmed somehow. In case of Invoice and Part Payment payment methods, Svea Payments has information about the payer’s identity which is not the case with other payment methods.
N = The payment has not been verified, or there is no verification information available.
Payment service response code 1pmtq_externalcode1Informal/additional payment service response information received from the external
payment service provider in error situations.

In case of Nets (formerly known as Luottokunta), the LKPRC code.

In OK cases this could contain for example external payment service provider’s archive code of the payment.
Payment service response code 2pmtq_externalcode2Informal/additional payment service response information received from the external payment service provider in error situations.

In case of Nets (formerly known as Luottokunta), the LKSRC code.

In OK cases this could contain for example external payment service provider’s archive code of the payment.
Payment service response textpmtq_externaltextInformal/additional payment service response information received from the
external payment service provider.

Contains either information about successful payment or an error.

If the external payment service provider does not provide this response information, this is either empty or it could contain for example external payment service provider’s archive code or some other unique id of the payment.
Time when the buyer began the payment processpmtq_paymentstarttimestampThe time when payer transfered to the Payment Service.dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ssAN19O
Payment datepmtq_paymentdateThe date when payer paid. Or if it’s not available, the date when the money was found from Maksuturva’s Customer Assets bank account statement.dd.MM.yyyyAN10O
Hashpmtq_hashHash calculated from predefined response message fields and the webstore's secret key. Uses the same version, key generation etc values that were in the request. The following fields are used to calculate the hash:
pmtq_sellercosts (if available)
pmtq_paymentmethod (if available)
pmtq_escrow (if available)
pmtq_certification (if available)
pmtq_paymentdate (if available)



The note ANxx means that the field contains a maximum of xx alphanumeric characters. N means numeric. C means that the field is compulsory and O means it is optional.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!