Possible Error Codes
Code | Explanation |
ALREADY_PAID | Order has already been paid |
ERROR | Unknown error |
ERROR_CARD_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED | 3DS authentication of card payment failed |
ERROR_CARD_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | Authorization of card payment failed |
ERROR_CARD_AUTHORIZATION_TIMEOUT | Authorization or charging of card payment timed out |
ERROR_CARD_TOKENIZATION_FAILED | Card can not be used for recurring payments |
ERROR_IN_PAYMENT | Error in processing of payment |
ERROR_IN_REQUEST_PAYER_DATA | Error(s) in information that can be edited by buyer |
ERROR_IN_REQUEST_TECHNICAL_DATA | Error(s) in the technical data of the payment |
ERROR_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_EXPIRED | The payment instrument is not valid |
ERROR_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | The limit for the given payment instrument is exceeded |
ERROR_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_NOT_FOUND | The given payment instrument can not be found |
ERROR_PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE | The payment method chosen in the web store was not allowed |
EXTERNAL_SERVICE_DENIED | The chosen payment service denied the transaction |
EXTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR | The chosen payment service gave an error response |
NOT_FOUND | Order can not be found |
PAYER_CHOSE_METHOD_AND_VANISHED | Payer chose a payment method but has not paid |
PAYER_INTERRUPTED | Payer cancelled the payment and returned to the web store |
PAYER_VANISHED | Payer vanished without paying |
WAITING | Waiting for information on possible payment |