Webstore delivers the request parameters in a <form> using POST method as hidden input fields (<input type=hidden>) to address https://www.maksuturva.fi/GetCompensationsByTimeInterval.pmt (or https://test1.maksuturva.fi/GetCompensationsByTimeInterval.pmt in test environment)

Fieldinput namevalueFormatmin lenghtC/O
Action codegc_actionGET_SETTLEMENTS_XML
Message versiongc_version0001AN44C
Seller IDgc_selleridAN15C
Begin dategc_begindatedd.MM.yyyyAN1010C
End dategc_enddatedd.MM.yyyyAN1010C
Hash algorithmgc_hashversione.g. SHA-256AN10C
Secret key generationgc_keygenerationDefault: 001N3C



The note ANxx means that the field contains a maximum of xx alphanumeric characters. N means numeric. C means that the field is compulsory and O means it is optional.

The interval between begin date and end date can be one month at maximum.

About testing

Currently, testing of this interface is possible only when Svea Payments manually updates some test payment status to settled. Also, testing must be done using webstore specific testing credentials. That is, sandbox testing is currently not available. In any case, you should contact us for more information about testing this interface since it always requires Svea Payments participation.

Response example

XML contents are best described through an example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        contains the compensation code, IF this is an actual bundle (compensationType = BUNDLE), and not
        a compensation of a single payment.
        SINGLE = this “bundle” is a compensation of a single order, BUNDLE = many orders are included in
        this bundle.
        the gross amount of all orders included in the bundle. This is the value originally expected by
        the web store
      <netAmount>the actual compensated amount </netAmount >
      <refundedAmount>the actual amount refunded to payers </refundedAmount>
      <commission>commission sum for Maksuturva</commission>
        ... if this is not a bundle, there will be just one order below...
            optional field. Included, if this order is part of a bundle compensation
          <orderNumber> order number from the web store (pmt_orderid)</orderNumber>
            the original reference number for the order, provided by the web store
            the unique id originally provided by the web store (pmt_id)
            the gross amount of the order originally expected by the web store
            (pmt_amount + pmt_sellercosts)
            the actual compensated net amount, which is:
            gross amount – refunds – Maksuturva’s commissions
            the amount refunded back to payer
            Maksuturva’s commission sum
      another compensation...